Finding a Common Ground
As a young man, I lived a relatively happy and carefree life. School, play, household chores, religion, and family occupied nearly equal time and space in my memories, and there’s rarely a picture of me [...]
As a young man, I lived a relatively happy and carefree life. School, play, household chores, religion, and family occupied nearly equal time and space in my memories, and there’s rarely a picture of me [...]
Contribute Genuine Knowledge, Reap Rewards A while back, I was attending a reception to announce semi-finalists for a nonprofit clean technology start-up accelerator. The start-up companies compete for the chance to get mentoring and capital [...]
In the digital age, traditional online marketing techniques have become increasingly inefficient. Consumers skip commercials with DVRs, listen to podcasts instead of radio, and read blogs more often than newspapers and magazines. Business owners have [...]
It had been a punishing week. On Monday we landed two new clients. The first, a 30 page business plan that needed to be written by Wednesday night for our client to walk into a [...]